What is this?


Day 1

Well, unfortunately we are off to a not so great start. Our flight was postponed, not by much, and 1 piece of luggage was lost (the one with all the clothes). I am positive that we will get our luggage before we leave on the boat. When we got to the hotel, it was conveinently located walkable to a Champs - WOO HOO, I figured all Champs had good beer - NOPE! The food was delicious and then we decided to do something that we never do - order dessert, the 7-mile high ice cream cake, YUM. Let's just say my body kindly rejected it - reasons why I am bloggin at 7am on my honeymoon! I guess I usually eat as healthy as everyone says I do, my body could not take the trans fat.
But - I am excited for today, do some shopping - get some clothes and enjoy the 80 degree weather.

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